This innovative collection of bedframes allows you to put your body in to the…
This innovative collection of healthcare solutions caters for all mobility related patients…
We have all the right parts for you to manufacture that perfect bed…
Every bed design needs those finishing touches and our available accessories can compliment your bed design.
We have been sourcing materials and components from Bedframesdirect for just over a decade and we have enjoyed collaborating with them to achieve our own innovative concepts. We wouldn’t be where we are today without their expertise and knowledge.
Because of our close business relationship we have seen our feedback produce new innovative concepts around smartphone technology and the smart home concepts in the last two year. We wouldn’t be prepared for the smart home revolution without them.
We have been doing research and development for the past 5 years and have been developing ways in which we can not just make our bedframes and components more, reliable, durable and comfortable, but also integrate smartphones and applications with them since they came on the market . We have been innovating amazing products like integrated under bed lighting, USB charge points and Bluetooth since 2007. It has taken a long time to get there, but we believe this is now just the start of what is to come.